Monday, May 21, 2007

Whither the interview?

Jay Rosen reproduces and comments on a Howie Kurtz' column exploring claims that the traditional interview is outmoded. Growing numbers (especially from the blogosphere) argue that an email interview is better because both sides have a full record and reporters can't distort things as easily. Rosen offers what seems to me a nuanced view.


  1. Anyone who has tried to conduct an "interview" by email knows the limitations, spin being just one hazard. I am currently interviewing my dad via email (for an upcoming column) because of time zone/ availability issues -- a friendly subject, but I'm going to have to pick up the phone to get what I need. The email "interview" takes away a significant element of voice-to-voice or in-person interviews, which is the ability to ask followup questions, to observe facial expressions or tone of voice, to capture candid reaction to question and so forth. Moreover, many official sources will not be answering their own questions in "email interviews," though they might be at the other end of the email address.

    Also, Rosen's attitude toward doing interviews is disappointing. Many of us know how much we rely on long interviews with people whom we never quote. This is part of reporting to gain understanding of subject matter. If Rosen only counts the value of being interviewed by his minutes of screen time, he's rejecting an important part of the reporting process.

  2. Jay,

    You have misread my comment.

    The first paragraph addressed the general issue of sources saying they prefer to be questioned via email. This is becoming fashionable, the latest in a series of ways sources try to control how their messages are conveyed.

    The second paragraph referred to your comments. I apologize for the lack of clarity. Howard's post reminded me of several things I've read lately on this topic, and my response was to the general trend rather than to your views.

    I agree with Howard that overall your take on it was reasonable.

    I'd also say I find email useful for clarification and followup, and for fact-checking in particular.

