Monday, August 20, 2007

Your blog, our headlines

Almost all the McClatchy news websites include a list of updated headlines from our world and national bureau in D.C. like the one in the right column, below.

It's easy to include the same thing on your blog or website just like all the other cool kids.

Instructions for using the widget are here.

P.S. If you use the widget, let me know and we'll include a link back to you on the instructions page.

1 comment:

  1. I don't want your iFrame on my blog.

    What I want is for you to provide more flexible headline feeds using XML, RSS and/or JSON for all the McClatchy papers, along the same lines as Flickr's feeds or Twitter's API.

    This way, with a little bit of JavaScript, people like me can build our own widgets and control their formatting and presentation ourselves.

    Not only that, you can provide even more than the standard "headline and link" information in these feeds and depending on the consumer's needs, skill and mood, that data can be included in the presentation... or not. For example: the reporter's byline or a story summary or... map location information.

    Just a thought.

