Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I mentioned earlier that I think there's extraordinary material in the blogs now being displayed at our national site, and that we were planning to make some of them available for print use.

As usual, the folks in Washington and at MCT are ahead of me. Jane Scholz tells me blog exerpts move on the MCT wire Monday through Friday slugged GLOBALINK:WA.

I think your readers would want to see them.

As a bonus, they're planning to move material from the Dave Barry For President Q&A as well. It's funny:

Q: Mr. Barry- If the earth was invaded by aliens from outer space, would you personally lead a fleet of fighter jets to do battle with the enemy in a final climactic scene? I think this country needs a man like that in the White House. I think it would be very good for box office revenues.
Johnny, Ashburn, VA 6/19/07

A: My approach would be to lure the aliens to downtown Miami, where they would eventually realize that there was no parking and be forced to return to their home planet.
Dave Barry 6/20/07

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